About Freya

Breed: Norwegian Lundehund
Gender: Female (Spayed)
Mother: Krackerjax Lite Hessa
Date of Birth: August 10, 2007

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Puppy Doctor Visit

I had an accident and wet the bed last week and Monday morning. :( Dad thought since I was licking myself more after that happened that I needed to go to the puppy doctor. Doctor Marty is a nice lady. Jean, the vet tech, bribed me with treats to go outside with her and go pee. I got more treats when we got back in and I sat on daddy's lap until it was time to go home.

Doctor Marty gave dad some Clavamox (125mg) tablets I'm supposed to take 1 pill 2 times per day until it's all gone. Uuugghh that means daddy's gonna try and trick me for 7 days straight. :(

Daddy put me back in the riding crate and we came home. He tried to trick me with some ham but I showed him!! I spit the pill out on the floor. I must have been good cuz he gave me some spreadable cheese!! And then he told me what a good girl I was! :D I'm the best Lundehund around! ;)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Santa Paws Visit

I love this time of year. Santa Paws visited me and brought me new toys. Two tennis balls, a stuffed kitty, a stuffed brown thing (bear? maybe?), a stuffed gray thing (elephant), a stuffed tan thing, a stuffed green & red bone, and a stuffed green mitten with a snowflake for me to chew off. The best part.....the stuffed stuff squeaks!!! Santa Paws is the best...all the stuff smelled like bacon!!!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas like me!!!

Puppy Kisses,

Thursday, December 17, 2009

November Pictures Added

Dad just added the pictures of me from November. He used that iPhone and the light was dim so they aren't that great. But it does show what my face is like when playing with the laser light. I'm so cute!! :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Clean Bill of Health

Good news:
Went to the puppy doctor for annual check up, junior canine wellness profile, etc. I gots a clean bill of health. The lab results will be in next week (Monday or Tuesday).

Now the not so good news:
We need to start walking more though...the vet people told dad that I now weigh 15.9 lbs. I don't look overweight though. I count that as a plus. There is some tartar build up on my back teeth. Doctor Highsmith said she'd like me to come in for a cleaning in 4-5 months time.

After being in the office a few years ago and hearing the heart monitor...daddy said he's a little skittish about bringing me in for a cleaning. Guess that leaves trying over the counter stuff to brush my teeth with and see if we can clean off any of it or prevent more build up.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Daddy and I wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Year Gone By

I can hardly believe a year has gone by already. The funny part was it rained on the one year anniversary of Freya's arrival in North Carolina. Just like in Charlotte it was a light rain this year in Garner and Raleigh.

I've found myself calling her Little One or when outside, Wild One. Freya is so funny when walk in certain areas. She'll snatch up a hunk of grass and the race ahead of me stop and snatch another chunk while I keep walking at a slow pace.

To date her favorite toy in the whole world is the laser light. The small blanky that came with her is another favorite. Freya likes to torture the stiffed animals. She will chew off feet then arms/legs/wings. The poor toys get some time off after loosing their feet though. Freya gets hours and hours of enjoyment chewing on the feet. The smaller the part chewed off the better too. Heck there's still a de-stuffed foot from one of the migratory quails she chews on.

Freya is happy and in good health. We both wish her previous parents well. I think of them from time to time and hope they know I am giving their little girl a good life. Freya is spoiled rotten. :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Going Good

After looking my first few posts, I've noticed a few things. That playful spirit is definitely still there. Either I've gotten used to it or Freya doesn't bark as muh as she used too. (Though she does still bark alot..lol) I have referred to her over the past year as little one, my little monster, and wild one. She is still a little bundle of energy. She hates it when I use my iPhone instead of paying attention to her. (Did I mention she's a princess in demeanor? I think she's spoiled rotten...which of course is my fault.)

Freya likes to curl up with at night on the bed and twice gotten under the covers. With as heavy as the comforter is I'll never know how she could breathe under there.

One of her favorite things still is the laser light. I bought some fresh new batteries for it the other day. Freya gets this look on her face and the tail wags non-stop. My roommate and I have referred to this as her turning into a "crack puppy". When the light goes away...Freya acts like she's "jonesin" for more...

Freya will turn on turbo-puppy mode and chase the cat every now and again. She tries her hardest to get the cat to chase her too. They play really well together. 'Course the cat usually ends up with the upper paw just by sort of hiding and staring at Freya. Poor Freya won't go by the cat even to get a toy when Sandi acts like that. Sandi has pounced on her before when Freya would go after a ball.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Day Walk

Freya, Grendarr and I went for a walk earlier. We met up with Bristol, Colby and Vader. Typically Freya's a little skitish around Vader. Today though she was great. She kept sniffing the other dogs butts. LOL the funny thing was they seemed to like her invading their privacy.

Since the walk was a lot longer than she wad used too, the princess got to be carried at two different points. The second time she got to ride the rest of the way home. I'm thinking she'll sleep real well tonight.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

September Pictures Added

I just added the pictures from September. I thought I'd taken a lot more pictures than I did. Unless I accidentally deleted them. Otherwise no news is good new right? Nothing really eventful happened after my last post. Speak of the monster and here she is. It's time to play or go out and go potty. Either way I have received my command to get off the computer....she hates my iPhone even more than the computer. :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Undercoat Rag Doll

For the past couple of weeks Freya's been blowing bits of her undercoat. Most on her back legs. Poor puppy starts looking a little like some of her stuffed animals she's chewed a hole in. Almost looks like stuffing coming out of her. :) It becomes a game when I try to get the tufts of undercoat off her. Freya is so sweet and so cute. The neighbors smile and talk to her when she barks at them when passing by on our way out.

On another note I feel sorry for these little black bugs that have been crawling along the parking lot and sidewalks. They get this "huge thing" nudging them with it's big wet nose. I'm not sure whether or not Freya would try to eat them of I didn't say "leave it". The quizzical look she gets when she encounters a new bug is so cute.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Booster Shot

Yesterday Freya went to the puppy doctor for her Bordetella booster. All went well. Freya weighed in at 15.20 pounds. That's a full pound gained since she was weighed back in November. She was a little unsure about leaving me to go with the vet tech though. She met a big 10 month old puppy named Owen. He was a little energetic for his size in Freya's opinion. While in the lobby I think I held her half the time we were there.

Monday, August 3, 2009

PetSmart Visit

Over the weekend Freya and I made our first visit to PetSmart. I had no idea how that was going to go down. Was she going to bark everyone and everything? Was I going to have to carry her through the store?

I worry too much some times. LOL We sniffed around outside for a minute and then went in...was expecting the doors might be problematic. The doors gave her a spilt second pause as it they were moving on their own. I let Freya lead the way. We went toward the cat/fish area first and sniffed around a bit, then meandered around the birds, hamsters and mice. All the while Freya had this slightly worried look about her. So I coaxed her over the aisle where her dog food is shelved....her demeanor instantly changed as soon as she smelled the food. She got an idea of what this strange place was. Now we were here to explore.

She took me back toward the front of the store where 2 ladies were coming in. Freya saw them and barked at them twice. She met several others in the store and not a peep. So up and down the doggie aisles we went until we got back to the food aisle to get a bag where Freya required the items from an oopps station. Not surpising, but not a big deal either. After cleaning up we got our food and went for another car ride.

Overall our first visit went very well and Freya will probably go with me again on the next food run. :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Old Habits & New

At the end of June I had gone home to NY for a week and left Freya with a friend of mine who has Loki. Of course when I got back the dogs were excited to see me. Freya couldn't contain herself...literally. She made several puddles on their floor she was so happy. I got lots of kisses that day.

After about a week of being home, Freya, decided to pick up an older habit. What's that you are wondering? Getting up in the middle of the night to go out and go potty. Roughly 3-3:30am every morning. She does wake me up though. Except last night and that was only to be picked back up on the bed at 1:15am. Most people I've come to realize wouldn't tolerate this. But it's better in my humble opinion to take her out than to accidently step in a mess when you first get up.

I know I could crate Freya because she does okay the initial confinement time is over. But then I feel guilty. I've become very accustomed to feeling the little warm fur ball curled up next to me. Though that didn't take long to get used to. So I don't sleep well when she's not with me.

The new thing that has started is that Freya has taken to sleeping on the foot of the bed on the other side. After a little while she gets up and moves next to me and curls up where she stays the rest of the night.

In case I've forgotten to mention this in other entries...she's no longer afraid of the cat. And let me tell you it's a sight to watch them chase each other now. :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Life is Good

Freya is first and foremost my chief of security closely followed by the world's most curious explorer. She is relentless when hunting down a bug a that caught her attention. I feel sorry for the grasshoppers especially the bigger ones. All they want is to be left alone and here comes the "nose". It's really cute to watch her. The ears straight up facing forward, the look of curiosity on her face. And then the pounce. The grasshopper takes flight and it happens again.

She's not so much into going for walks as exploring every inch of the ground. The nose goes a mile a minute. Well until a grasshopper, cricket or some other interesting creature draws her attention. And then the hunt begins. Once that's over exploration continues. Although as time goes on, Freya's getting the idea of what going for a walk is.

Another of Freya's favorite past times is going for a car ride. Unfortunately her favorite place to be is in my lap when I'm driving. Needless to say I know how dangerous that is and keep the rides as short as possible and as infrequent as I can get away with.

All that said...Freya is very stubborn when she wants to be. When she sets her mind to something she is determined to do it. I'm just glad she's small enough she can't counter surf like Grendarr does. That doesn't stop the kitchen from being one of her favorite places to be though.

Well that's all for now...gotta tell my security chief everything is okay. LOL

Friday, June 12, 2009

Forgetting to update...

There were several cute things that Freya discovered in May and I've forgotten most of them now. She is doing very well. One habit she has is sleeping under the bed for a couple of hours and then waking me up to pick her up and put her on the bed. If that doesn't work she jumps up herself. If she gets up herself...she must feel the need to let me know she's there...lol. I can't think of a better way of being woken in the middle of the night than by Lundy kisses.

I'm uploading the pics taken in May...well trying anyway....

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Freya and the Grasshopper

LOL this happened a few days ago but OMG it's so funny!!! Freya met her first grasshopper. As she was sniffing around in the grass she got too close for the grasshoppers comfort. When it leaped into the air, Freya jumped back. She watched it soar through the air and landed. Inquisitive as ever, Freya had to investigate the little green thing. This time it didn't just jump it spread it's wings. She wasn't expecting that and jumped a little again. But the look of curiosity on her face was priceless. That has been one of the best encounters I've ever seen. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009


After watching so much House I'm surprised I didn't know exactly what that was when Dr. Marty spoke the word. She even wrote it down so I could look it up at home. Freya has one on her front left leg about 3/4 the way up to her elbow. The doc estimated it to be about 3 cm around. I'm no good with metrics I don't think it was 3 mm. It was big enough to cause me concern considering it wasn't there before. I found it Friday night and go to the vet Saturday morning.

The histiocytoma according to my research will go away in 1-3 months on it's own even if I use any meds on it. Dr. Marty said that if it's not gone after 2 months she would consider removing it and biopsying it. I'm not big on medical jargon either so I hope I said that right.

Either way the thing doesn't seem to bother Freya at all. She's still a little spit fire that's never gonna go out. :) The one vet tech referred to her as a daddy's girl. It's funny 'cause that's the 3rd time in the last month somebody has referred to her that way. I already knew it though. I tell people she's my little princess in every sense of the word. Freya loves attention. And of course I love it when she showers me with kisses.

As soon as I get the pics off my iPhone, I'll be adding the April 2009 album.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Early Warning System

Freya has been an early warning system for everything that moves outside the apartment. I've been working with her telling her "No" when she starts barking non-stop and then "good quiet" and "good Freya". It's taking some time...but it's starting to work.

I just don't want her stop all together. If she barks long enough, Grendarr, my big dog will bark. In contrast to her high pitched bark, G has a nice deep bark. So I think I have the perfect alarm system. :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Rolling Around

I've never had a dog quite like, Freya. LOL She found something in the grass she really liked. Grendarr was going potty and I felt a tug on her leash. I turned to see her rolling in the grass. I've seen other people's dogs do it...just never mine...until now. She topped and got up when I asked if she needed to go potty. All I could think of was what nasty stuff might've smelled so good. I'm so happy she was clean when she got up. :)

Freya came in to sleep with me yesterday after I got home from work. Seasonal allergies have hit me hard this year. She stayed with me until I woke at 2 AM and of course went o-u-t. She has been such a loving dog. She loves to give kisses. Always has actually.

She and the cat love chasing each other. Freya seems to like being chased by Sandi, the cat. I'm glad they've been getting along. :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"New" Dog Park

Well the apartment complex we live in has a "new" dog park. It's a fenced in area probably about 1200 square feet. The problem is that there are 5 spots that the fence doesn't go all the way to the ground. When it snowed it wasn't noticeable. But it's obvious now. The area behind the "openings" is fenced in with 2 small "ponds". The other thing is people in this complex don't pick up their dog's poo in the "park".

You're probably wondering what this all has to do with Freya. Well I took Freya and Grendarr to the park to run around free outside. While they ran around I picked up dog poo so they wouldn't step in it. While I was on pile 15 (not an exaggeration) Freya decided to make a break for it. Multiple problems...but long story short...Ms. Freya came to me, put the harness on and we went back to the apartment.

Needless to say the complex management got an ear full. I didn't like leaving Grendarr unattended while I went to get Freya. It wasn't until later when I realized she really could've hurt herself on the fence.

Freya didn't get hurt and the complex will supposedly lower the fence in the 5 spots.

Monday, March 23, 2009

February & March Update

Thankfully the last two months have been uneventful in the health arena. Freya is still as energetic as ever. Ever the little protector too. She warns away every passerby. The happy bark starts the minute she sees my car, me or hears the horn as I set the alarm. I get the best greeting when I open the door. I just have to make sure I let her jump up on my leg before petting her. If not there's an excited pee spot to clean.

Next entry I'll try to make about the new dog park.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Little Too Rambunctious

Well January wasn't a good start. When going for a walk Freya would be sniffing the ground...suddenly she would grab a small hunk of grass, pick a direction and bolt. Of course she only did this when Grendarr was doing his business and not moving. The problematic part was there was no sign of her preparing this little maneuver other than the sniffing. And that wasn't a real tell as she could be sniffing for a place to go potty.

Freya began learning physics. I'm not sure but I think she may have enjoyed the sensation since she would repeat it a couple of times every few walks. We maybe did this for a week. The leash of naturally is only so long. So she would get to the end and spin around by her head/neck. The worst did come to pass....she hurt her neck/back. Fortunately it wasn't bad and the muscle relaxers the Dr. Edwards prescribed did their job. Since then we wear a pink harness when going o-u-t.

Naturally the peace doesn't last forever. Our next little venture had Freya's muzzle swelling up. I resorted to taking pictures of her from across the room as she wouldn't let me near her. Figuring it was an allergic reaction to something I gave her some Benedryl, which helped a little.

My vet was closed due to the winter weather conditions (ice & snow). Since the swelling had started going down I was ok. But later that night it came back. I was hoping it would go away since Mustang's (my car) don't normally do great on ice. But in the end I took her to the Emergency Vet Hospital. They gave her stronger meds and charged me less than I thought it'd cost. The swelling went away and never came back. The pack gets to be happy again. :)

Side Note:
Even after spelling Lundehund verbally and writing it on the paperwork...the Emergency Vet records show her as being a Norwegian Buhund.

Here are the pics I took: