About Freya

Breed: Norwegian Lundehund
Gender: Female (Spayed)
Mother: Krackerjax Lite Hessa
Date of Birth: August 10, 2007

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Daddy and I wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Year Gone By

I can hardly believe a year has gone by already. The funny part was it rained on the one year anniversary of Freya's arrival in North Carolina. Just like in Charlotte it was a light rain this year in Garner and Raleigh.

I've found myself calling her Little One or when outside, Wild One. Freya is so funny when walk in certain areas. She'll snatch up a hunk of grass and the race ahead of me stop and snatch another chunk while I keep walking at a slow pace.

To date her favorite toy in the whole world is the laser light. The small blanky that came with her is another favorite. Freya likes to torture the stiffed animals. She will chew off feet then arms/legs/wings. The poor toys get some time off after loosing their feet though. Freya gets hours and hours of enjoyment chewing on the feet. The smaller the part chewed off the better too. Heck there's still a de-stuffed foot from one of the migratory quails she chews on.

Freya is happy and in good health. We both wish her previous parents well. I think of them from time to time and hope they know I am giving their little girl a good life. Freya is spoiled rotten. :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Going Good

After looking my first few posts, I've noticed a few things. That playful spirit is definitely still there. Either I've gotten used to it or Freya doesn't bark as muh as she used too. (Though she does still bark alot..lol) I have referred to her over the past year as little one, my little monster, and wild one. She is still a little bundle of energy. She hates it when I use my iPhone instead of paying attention to her. (Did I mention she's a princess in demeanor? I think she's spoiled rotten...which of course is my fault.)

Freya likes to curl up with at night on the bed and twice gotten under the covers. With as heavy as the comforter is I'll never know how she could breathe under there.

One of her favorite things still is the laser light. I bought some fresh new batteries for it the other day. Freya gets this look on her face and the tail wags non-stop. My roommate and I have referred to this as her turning into a "crack puppy". When the light goes away...Freya acts like she's "jonesin" for more...

Freya will turn on turbo-puppy mode and chase the cat every now and again. She tries her hardest to get the cat to chase her too. They play really well together. 'Course the cat usually ends up with the upper paw just by sort of hiding and staring at Freya. Poor Freya won't go by the cat even to get a toy when Sandi acts like that. Sandi has pounced on her before when Freya would go after a ball.