About Freya

Breed: Norwegian Lundehund
Gender: Female (Spayed)
Mother: Krackerjax Lite Hessa
Date of Birth: August 10, 2007

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Little Too Rambunctious

Well January wasn't a good start. When going for a walk Freya would be sniffing the ground...suddenly she would grab a small hunk of grass, pick a direction and bolt. Of course she only did this when Grendarr was doing his business and not moving. The problematic part was there was no sign of her preparing this little maneuver other than the sniffing. And that wasn't a real tell as she could be sniffing for a place to go potty.

Freya began learning physics. I'm not sure but I think she may have enjoyed the sensation since she would repeat it a couple of times every few walks. We maybe did this for a week. The leash of naturally is only so long. So she would get to the end and spin around by her head/neck. The worst did come to pass....she hurt her neck/back. Fortunately it wasn't bad and the muscle relaxers the Dr. Edwards prescribed did their job. Since then we wear a pink harness when going o-u-t.

Naturally the peace doesn't last forever. Our next little venture had Freya's muzzle swelling up. I resorted to taking pictures of her from across the room as she wouldn't let me near her. Figuring it was an allergic reaction to something I gave her some Benedryl, which helped a little.

My vet was closed due to the winter weather conditions (ice & snow). Since the swelling had started going down I was ok. But later that night it came back. I was hoping it would go away since Mustang's (my car) don't normally do great on ice. But in the end I took her to the Emergency Vet Hospital. They gave her stronger meds and charged me less than I thought it'd cost. The swelling went away and never came back. The pack gets to be happy again. :)

Side Note:
Even after spelling Lundehund verbally and writing it on the paperwork...the Emergency Vet records show her as being a Norwegian Buhund.

Here are the pics I took:

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