About Freya

Breed: Norwegian Lundehund
Gender: Female (Spayed)
Mother: Krackerjax Lite Hessa
Date of Birth: August 10, 2007

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Rainy Day

Freya was thoroughly fascinated by the drainage grates and the sounds coming from them. She also still likes puddles. :)

"Issues Update":

Potty training is about as expected. Either Freya hasn't come up with a way to let me know she needs to go...or I am blind.

The barking at everything I think is getting a little better. She's already learned that if I say "Good, Freya" she gets a treat...or rather she thinks she does.

She is very inquisitive. Freya loves to pick up everything from leaves, twigs, pine cones to grasshoppers and crickets. We have only scratched the surface of "Leave It".

Otherwise all is good!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Puppy Doctor Visit

Today I stopped by the puppy doctor's to pick up some Advantix for my furry kids and brought Freya with me. I wanted her to have a good first visit where they didn't have to "poke and proud" her.

She was so cute investigating the waiting area. Freya happily went back with the assistant to get weighed. She wasn't thrilled with the Jack Russell puppy that was there, but said hi anyway. It was the first time I'd heard the term "laid back" used with Freya. I couldn't argue 'cuz she was very laid back compared to when we go out for a walk. :)

I think her favorite part of the trip was being back home with her toys. :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First Lundy Groan

Freya did the little Lundy grunt/groan this morning when I was putting on her collar. I think she's definitely accepting me!!! Freya has made my day! Nothing could make me happier!!

Each day is an adventure for both of us as we learn more about each other. She has got the sweetest disposition. The playful spirit hasn't dulled a bit. :) Hopefully it never will!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Settling In

Freya is settling in quite well. She has met several other dogs now. One is a chocolate lab mix rescue named Jessie. Another lives in the building across from us, a lab mix puppy named Sandy who is four months old.

When I get the collar and leash to take Freya outside, she puts her head through the collar (martingale). I especially mention this because Grendarr seems to be picking up on this little habit. It's cute that she seems to be teaching him something.

She loves to play with a blue squeaky tennis ball and any size stuffed animal. Her favorite is a little blue one I had picked up for G-dog a while ago. LOL - I guess her favorite color is blue.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Arrival of a Little Norse Goddess

Freya had the honor of flying with 2 cats and 5 birds or so the satff told me as she was getting off the plane. It wasn't long after they brought the kennel out from the dock area. I crouched down to look below the counter to see the most adorable little face looking back at me. The 2 workers assisting me fell in love with her when the one by one looked in the kennel to catch a glimpse of my pack's newest member.

I opened the kennel and put the collar and leash on her that I brought with me. She carefully climbed down out of the car onto the wet pavement below. She seemed so tiny and vulnerable as she staggered, regaining her land legs, across the parking lot to the grass. Yet Freya was determined that she was going to do things on her own terms.

I brought a quilt made for me by a friend and made up the front seat for her to be comfortable on. My weary little traveling companion slept the majority of the 3 hour trip from Charlotte with me petting her slowly almost the entire way. When I stopped petting she would lift her head up to see what was going on.

On the way to our first stop, it had occurred to me to mimic the Lundehund grunting noise while I was petting her. When I did Freya lifted her head and gave me a quisical look. Her eyes big as day and her ears pointing straight up. I definitely had her attention. :) I think that was when I really ingratiated myself on who I'd come to find was a bundle of energy.

Our first official stop was to introduce Freya the only other member of the Norse pantheon I knew personally. The god of mischief himself, Loki. There she also had the chance to explore my friend's 2 story house, meet him and Lacey, a black and white Cocker Spaniel. Freya was at ease just a few minutes after we arrived.

Her adventure didn't stop there. I brought her back to apartment complex where all office staff loved her. She met a lab puppy named Sandy as well. But the real fun was meeting Sandi, my cat, and Grendarr, my dog. I opened the door and Freya ran in and went nose to nose with Sandi. Freya back away and tried again with no luck. Sandi hissed and growled at her. Grendarr was no where to found. Freya headed into my room the closet and master bath, then the dining area and kitchen giving it all a quick once over. I watched as she headed toward my roommates bedroom. She stopped in the doorway momentarily and turned around. She hurried back looking for me. She apparently was prepared for a "huge" 65 lb black and white dog. The sniffing and all went very well.

I placed to small plastic totes in the doorway to my room so that Sandi and Grendarr couls still come and go as they pleased while Freya was limited to my room. Freya slept on the bed all night long with no midnight accidents. Grendarr came and went. He groaned when he lay as though Freya were in his way. Which is funny since her lay on the bed where he always does. And Sandi slept all night on my roommates bed.

For a first day full of travel, meetings and new locations...I have to say Freya is adjusting really well. Freya and I have been playing fetch, have gone out for a walk as I've been typing up this post. Right now Freya lays on the floor with eyes closed, relaxing, waiting for me to come play again. I think we had a great first day.